Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Faculty Training Begins

Let the training begin! About 10 faculty members showed up for the training session. Most of them were Junior faculty, but I enjoyed teaching one of the more senior faculty members as well. Laurent was unable to come do to some other meetings, but we proceeded quite smoothly. The teachers were given some basic principles of Adult education from Malcome Knowles and then created their own username and password to access the distance education course. We talked about learner readiness, participation, and application as well. The class went very quickly and we finished up the training session with interested teachers placing their course online to begin adding content and to build a framework.

Oh, I forgot to mention that we also discussed how helping each other become experts in using the online system would require teamwork and collaboration. I don’t know if they understood the example I gave them of my training as a “spelunker” but it seemed like they were excited and ready to help each other succeed.


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