Thursday, July 20, 2006

Meeting with Richard of the Ministry of Health

Today I had the opportunity to meet with Richard from the Ministry of Health here in Rwanda. He is currently working on developing communication lines and training between the different hospitals in Rwanda. Currently three hospitals have been connected through a fiber optic network and are having a chinese company set up classrooms where live broadcasting between the hospitals can be connected over the LAN.

We discussed what the school has been doing and he was fairly interested in Moodle. He explained that they were paying a man to develop software and maintain the software which was similar to what we are already doing. His price is very low however and ex-patriots probably wouldn't be able to set up the Moodle server for less than what he is charging, let alone provide the training necessary to keep the service running.

His ideas however were very interesting. He was particularly interested in the Knowledge center and looked forward to the time when a searchable information database could be used by doctors at the hospitals.

He also mentioned that the school could look into using their network for teaching live courses using the rooms that they had set up until the school gets connected to the fiber optic network.

I will be meeting again with Richard and an individual from South Africa on Wednesday.


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