Thursday, July 20, 2006

Prior to Distance Class - Teacher Communication

This was an email where Eddie and I discussed a few technical aspects of the course, the times for the course, and other ingredients to make the course go well.

I checked up on a few things and everything should be good to go for your course. Just to let you know, if the power goes out while you are teaching online you may experience 5 minutes of delay where students aren't responding or interacting while the generator kicks back on. Also sometimes Terracom begins working on the connection without any notice, if this happens the internet may turn on and off (on for 20 minutes off for 5 minutes, etc.). This doesn't happen all the time, but just wanted to make you aware of it just in case it happens. Also make sure that Adam is informed not to do server updates during class times. Sometimes early in the morning the web site doesn't work while the rest of the internet is working. I think the server is doing backups or something, I am not sure. It usually works fine in the afternoon however.

Here are some things that you can help me with:

1. please confirm if my class is scheduled for 24th, 25th and 26th.

The 24th, 25th, and 26th will work wonderful. I will make sure we have the computer lab.

2. Let me know what time Mountain is 2 pm Rwanda.

Utah is 8 hours earlier than Rwanda
For example:
2:00 p.m. in Rwanda is
6:00 a.m. in Utah (

3. Please upload the students to Learn to Learn (LtoL) and give them access to the class on the Friday prior. Can you print out log in instructions to Moodle (we need to find a name for RSPH's Moodle, The one that Neal and I are working on is called "Aristotle")? Include as the contact for assistance.

LtoL is your class I presume. Most of the students were registered yesterday during class. I will register the rest on Friday.

4. My plan is to artificially create a Distance education model. The afternoons will be divided into 2 sections. From 2-4pm it will be fully online. They will be in the class, logged in and the only support they have is me in Logan. From 4-6, they go off line and have tutorial to work on some in-class activities. Here is where I need you assistance. They will be required to use the evenings to do off line activities on their own so that they can continue with the online activities the next 2-4 pm online event.

I will be available to assist during the class hours. Some students return to work at 5:30 to 5:45 p.m. and will need instructions about the off line work/after hours content before 6:00 p.m. This has been a struggle for each class.

5. There will be 1 major deliverable i.e., a reflection paper. Assessment will be based on 40% online activities, 30% paper, and 30% offline participation.

How would you like me to grade offline participation?

6. Can you please share this idea with the class?

We talked about it yesterday when we registered for the course.

7. In the handout that you give them, please direct them to the syllabus. There are pre-course activities that they will be required to do.

Sounds great, I will check out the syllabus and pre-course activities and write up some instructions.


It will be necessary in the future to make teachers aware of some of these technical difficulties before they start course design so problems that arise from internet connection can be dealt with.


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